Posts for Tag : Fir Garage Door
Centerville Cement Board Home Painted with Aura Low Lustre in August of 2017

This home in Centerville, Minnesota and was only 10 years old, but the paint job looked like it was 20 years old. The original paint was of poor quality and was put on thin by an airless sprayer. It started to fade and oxidized within 3 years. Lake Area Painting & Decorating came to the rescue and power washed with hot water to cause and locate failure and to remove the oxidation, dirt, and mildew. We then painted with Aura Low Lustre paint and it was applied by brush this time around. The body color is Aura Fairview Taupe and the peaks are Night Horizon. What a difference with the two-tone color, this home really pops! We also stripped and refurbished the front entry door.